The HonourableGuest of Honour:Prof. Siza D. Tumbo: Deputy Permanent Secretary Ministry of Agriculture
The Most Venerable: Wonhaeng: President of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism
His Excellence Tae ick cho: The Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to the United Republic of Tanzania
The Venerables: Jagong: Executive Director of Dreaminius
· Geoyng woo: District Head temple Seonunsa
· Geyongwon: District Head temple GeumsanGeukraksa and Chief of Korea bulbokjang Institute
· Jingsung: District Head temple Naesasa
· Sungyun: Monk of temple of GeumsamGeukraksa
· IljinSnim: Resident Monk of Borigaram Agriculture Technical College
Invited Guest, Ladies and Gentlemen
Protocol observed
The HonourableGuest of Honour
Allow me to say KAMSAHAMNIDA, THANKS AND ASANTE SANA, for your presence for today’s ceremony which is a precious moment, made possible with the wisdom and influence of the supreme Patriach of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism, Most Venerable Wonhaeng and all those who made it possible through their donation and prayers, the construction of this college at Mwasonga – Chekeni Village.
In addition to the construction and supporting the college the Jogye Order, also assists four Primary schools, namely Mkamba, ChekeniMwasonga, VumiliaUkooni and Kisarawe II, through the programme known as “Ndotoyamtoto” by providing books, warm meals and giving financial assistance to those students coming from poorest families.
The college started off with 60 students in the 2016/2017 academic year in the programme of Horticulture, after the official inauguration by the Most Venerable Jaseung 33rd President of the Jogye Order on the 5th September, 2016.
To day there are fifty seven students, forty three males and fourteen females who will be awarded Certificates in recognition of their satisfying the requirements laid down by the Ministry of Agriculture and the National Council for Technical Education.
Guest of Honour, the existence of a wide extension - farmers ratio contrary to the proposed at least one extension officer per village has been a limiting access to new agricultural technologies and capacity to turn the knowledge into actual development.
The former President of Tanzania Dr. JakayaKikwete once lamented that: “Farmers lack modern agricultural production skills and knowledge”.
In a move to assist the government to narrow this ratio, the Borigaram Agriculture Technical College was established.
The targets of the college are:
· Raiseup competent people through supporting agricultural education to students.
· Contribute to the development of rural farmers by increasing income through delivery of short courses training programmes to youth and farmers.
· Improve agricultural environment through the use of good agricultural practices.
· Promote gender equity and empowerment of women through deliberate attempts to recruit more women for the courses.
The sole responsibility of thesestudents after graduation is to impart the skills and knowledge acquired at Borigaram and transfer readily usable agricultural technologies to farmers.
Remember what Confucius, the great Chinese philosopher wrote. The essence of knowledge is to use it. Use your knowledge to improve farm incomes, a precondition to reduction of rural poverty. Remember also, the sight of your achievement is the greatest gift you could offer to farmers.
It is the college’s belief these graduating students can carry out this responsibility, since they have been developed to be corps of agricultural workers with the necessary competence and motivation to take up task of cultivation and production of horticultural crops in the rural areas or be employed in an Organization/Ministry. Use your knowledge of business plans to prepare various enterprises for funding from lending Institutions.
Skills and knowledge are your guns and bullet necessary for hunting and shootingthe abundant poverty surrounding the rural farmers of Tanzania. To prove that they can use their guns and bullets properly they were required to sit for an examination which had been well moderated by seasonedexperts in Training, Extension Services and Research.
It is gratifying to inform you the Guest of Honour and the invited guests that 98.2% used their bullets very well and obtained the following awards:
· 29 first class - male 22, female 07
· 26 upper second class - male 19, female 07
· 01 lower second class - male 01, female 00
As in any competition there are winners and loosers, we have one students who got minor injuries and will have toresit a paper.
In appreciation of the efforts of the students, the supreme Patriach of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism decided to give awards to three best students. These awards are known as:
· Supreme Patriach Award of the Jogye Order worth U$200 given to best overall students in academics.
· Resident Monk Award: worth U$150 given to best student in routine practicals.
· Principal award: worth U$100 given to the best student in character.
In addition five students will be given certificates of appreciation prepared by the college for their diligence and cooperation. Each worth 30,000/=.
Allow me to inform you talented students of Borigaram to be a source of inspiration to the farmers of Tanzania by improving their livelihood and quench the thirst of the Jogye Order of bringing happiness to the people of Tanzania and the global community at large.
With there remarks I wish you the best in your new venture, and do not shy incase of need to ask for any assistance.
Thanks for listening.